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AMT is a comprehensive service organization caring for Christian workers sent out from CCCAust and Australian churches of Brethren heritage. AMT provides pastoral care and practical helps to workers and seeks to educate the local churches at home of their responsibility in world mission.

AMT services 161 Australian missionaries worldwide. They are in every continent and involved in many diverse ministries.

AMT workers serve all over the globe...

AMT workers are involved in these ministries:

  • Administration of Christian schools and orphanages

  • Community aid and development

  • Bible teaching, training, preaching and evangelism

  • Church planting and construction

  • Christian literature translation, production (print and audio recording) and distribution

  • Caring for and educating missionary kids

  • Discipleship and pastoral care

  • IT development and support

  • Medical care and rehabilitation

  • Transport

AMT considers strong links between the worker and sending church as being essential.

Therefore, AMT recognises and accepts a candidate only when the relationship between sending church and prospective worker demonstrates a sound basis for responsibility and accountability. Recognising that ultimate authority rests with the local church, it is expected that direction to the candidate or serving worker will follow consultation with AMT and with field leadership.

By faith, AMT and the churches look to the Lord to provide for the needs of the workers in their joint care.

AMT receives gifts from churches and individuals and distributes these funds in support of workers. Supporters are kept informed of workers' prayer needs via the weekly Prayer Matters. AMT assists in induction and orientation training, pastoral care and re-entry/re-settlement.


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