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Prayer Matters is published every Tuesday.

Paul & Debbie Howells, (Philippines, DPG Day 7)

This evening 3 of Debbie’s childhood friends from the Kalanguya tribe are arriving to visit us here in Mindanao and they are going to accompany Debbie to attend 2 separate Women’s Conferences. These are for people from the Higaonon, Cebuano and Talaandig churches that God has allowed us to plant and one of these will be held using the Cebuano language and in the other the Talaandig language will be used. Deb is fluent in both of these languages, and she will be speaking 5 times in each of these events. Please pray for Deb as she speaks – July 25 through July 31. There are 650+ women who will attend these conferences.

Carol Luttah, (PNG, DPG Day 21)

We are still experiencing long delays with Forex payment. No payments have been made since May and this is hard on our suppliers. We have petrol shortage in Wewak so we are experiencing slowed activities in the province. This affects sales at the shop. Pray for a quick resolution by relevant bodies. Bible Society Australia team is coming to PNG and have a series of meetings with them in Port Moresby and LAE. Pray for good outcomes especially on continuation of distributing Bibles. Pray for sustaining grace for me as I balance all these things.

Seng Hock & Luba Yeoh, (Specialist, DPG Day 26)

Newly arrived in Japan. Praise God for our amazing colleagues here who have been so welcoming and helpful. Pray as we start language learning soon, that we figure out quickly our own learning styles. Pray for better memory, a good attitude and for patience whenever our memory fails us (which is extremely often). We thank God we have an apartment to move into on 30 July, please pray we can focus on learning while living out of suitcase for the next few weeks.

David & Stacie, (Restricted Access, DPG Day 28)

One of the schools in a conflict zone over the border has had to be evacuated due to aggressive activity. The staff and students have been relocated to other schools in safer areas. Please pray for the children as they adjust to new surroundings amidst the trauma of war.

Georgie, (Restricted Access, DPG Day 29)

Praise God for the opportunity to minister to foreigners in Immigration Detention Centres throughout Taiwan. Pray that God will protect me both physically and spiritually throughout my upcoming language and cultural exposure trip to Indonesia. Despite language barriers, pray that the seed of God’s word will take root in the hearts of foreign detainees, incarcerated in Taiwan. Ibu and Pak are faithful servants of God, planting and watering “harvest seeds” full time in rural Indonesia. Ibu also homeschools her boys. Pray for this family as they seek to reach 10 remote people groups.

Elise Long, (Philippines, new to  DPG)

I'm entering my third week on the road in the eastern states of Australia, sharing about the Palawano ministry. Next leg- Newcastle and then Brisbane, Queensland. Prayer point: The team back in the Philippines has been offered the opportunity to purchase a property out on the main highway leading to the island capital. We see it as having potential to generate funds to support our schoolteachers and Palawano missionaries. It is a general store and bakery, with a solid house, and a little land. It's ideally placed to trade rice, Palawano crafts, home grown vegies, and to house a dressmaking business and not least, teach the Word, knowing that there is a mosque just down the road. It is place between two elementary schools as well. It would provide accommodation for our year 11 and 12 students. Please pray for us as we contemplate this huge step.


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