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From the Field

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Serving Him

In today’s ravaged and ever-changing society, one’s heart is encouraged in knowing that our Lord and Saviour is the same yesterday, today and forever. Sadly, disturbing characteristics of the last days are even evident amongst us, the Lord’s people — lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God; having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof; more concerned for one’s own interests than that of others; choked with cares of this life. In today’s ravaged and ever-changing society, one’s heart is encouraged in knowing that our Lord and Saviour is the same yesterday, today and forever. Sadly, disturbing characteristics of the last days are even evident amongst us, the Lord’s people — lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God; having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof; more concerned for one’s own interests than that of others; choked with cares of this life. 

The little which I seek to do for the Lord is focused on the local assembly where I have the privilege of forming a part, and also with personal contacts in the area; but the burden for souls is for both saved and unsaved. Generally speaking, real zeal in the gospel, untiring pastoral care, constant instruction in the Word, and spiritual leadership would at times appear to belong to a past era. However, amidst this apparent apathy, the Lord of the harvest has His individual men and women with a heart to serve Him. Please pray for those who, with real purpose of heart, are doing what they can.

Once again, the Lord has provided resources for me to have gospel texts and tracts printed. These have been made available to the believers to encourage them in the spreading of the message of salvation. I’m continuing to spend time helping with Bible study materials, as well as working with two groups of women each week who are desirous of studying the Scriptures. The Lord continues to enable me to visit our elderly believers as well as those who are ill. On occasions, when I’m unable to go out, it is not unusual for the Lord to bring people to me — folk who want to discuss our Bible studies, another who looks for consolation, or a neighbour with a need. Opportunities are numerous. Regular contact with unsaved friends, or others who have strayed from the assembly, is frequentzly around a plate of food. It’s encouraging to see a simple birthday celebration turn into a discussion on spiritual things. The seed is sown.Please pray that Satan’s opposition will not deter God’s people from serving Him whole-heartedly; and that in His will I might be given the health and strength, both physically and spiritually to be useful to Him here. May we all really appreciate the value of a disciplined life made wholly available for the Master’s service.

Gail Thomson, Colombia


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