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From the Field

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Busy Time At Burketown

Greetings in the Lord’s name from Burketown in North Queensland.

This time of the year (Christmas — New Year holidays), we are usually confined to work around here as travel can be upset by rain and flooded rivers.

I have done some maintenance on the vehicle and around the house, but the biggest work I was able to complete was putting some 4,000 of our photos from 1973 to 2000 on computer — I went to insanity and back getting this done! I have given a number of USB sticks to people with the photos and already many of these have found their way onto Facebook accounts for the world to see. Many of these photos show The Lord’s work at Doomadgee over the years, and are a witness to many of the faithful Christians of the Doomadgee Assembly who have helped in The Lord’s work in their own town.

We are getting ready for the R.E. work in Burketown and Doomadgee and plan to start on 31 January here in Burketown, and at Doomadgee school after Easter. Pray with us for these young lives as they are growing up in a Godless world with Godless values, and many of the children and teenagers are addicted to the digital world.

We have had quite a busy time at Doomadgee in the last few months of 2017 and early 2018, with some digital unrest (teens using social media irresponsibly) and a number of quite large and sad funerals. There were six funerals at Doomadgee from late November to early January 2018. We had 16 funerals in total at Doomadgee during 2017 including one double and one triple burial. These are all different and sad times, but also an opportunity to give hope in this life and security for eternity.

Pray with us for the members of the Church at Doomadgee that they will be reconciled with each other and a good witness to all around.

Pray also for health and strength for Faye and me, especially as I walk around the Doomadgee streets talking to and encouraging people and handing out gospel magazines, and also taking part in nighttime street open-air preaching.

We pray that 2018 will be the year of The Trumpet Blast.

Doug and Faye Jones


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